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The repair department of the company is ready to provide services in the field of specialized repairs of mobile phones and tablets, laptops, monitors, network equipment. For more information, refer to the repair section link.
Shahab Amiri - Director of ServicesZoltrix Company offers a 30% discount for all repair services for 2 months from 15/04/99 to 15/06/99.
Shahab Amiri - Director of ServicesZoltrix guarantees your products after repair. You can guarantee your device for repair for 6 months, 1 year and 2 years, which you have delivered to Zolterix for repair.
Shahab Amiri - Director of ServicesThe repair department of the company is ready to provide services in the field of specialized repairs of mobile phones and tablets, laptops, monitors, network equipment. For more information, refer to the repair section link.
Shahab Amiri - Director of ServicesZoltrix offers a 30% discount on repair costs for 2 months.
Shahab Amiri - Director of ServicesGuaranteed price
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